If you have a strong desire to solve problems using data, you can become a Data Scientist. GreyAtom helped me transform that desire into a career!

Shradha Dash


Data Science Intern at SoluLab
Data Science Intern at SoluLab

Shradha Dash

No coding hurdles on my path to Data Science

After my bachelors in electrical engineering, my search for the most promising career paths returned Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in different permutations and combinations. But coming from a non-coding background, and with no coding experience, I thought I couldn't go down that path. Nevertheless, I was searching for learning opportunities in the field of Data Science, and that's how I came upon GreyAtom.
GreyAtom's program advisors helped me understand how a coding background was not a requirement to enter the Data Science field. That gave me newfound confidence to pursue this path, and I followed though. Today I'm a Data Scientist.
So, what about Python, how did you get around it?
My mentors helped me understand that Data Science was more of how malleable our logic is in solving problems, rather than just learning syntaxes. They taught that coding was only a tool to help us along the way. I started learning as an absolute beginner on GreyAtom's python course, and I was surprised that I was able to pick up coding in a short period. Thanks in huge part to the GLabs platform that onboarded python for us non-coders so effortlessly. I believe that if you have good logic and problem-solving skills, there is no need to be anxious about coding.
How was your learning experience at GreyAtom?
The mentors were pivotal to the whole process. Glabs had a lot of exercises that we would solve along with the mentors, which I found particularly helpful. They made sure that we understood concepts thoroughly by the end of each session. Also, having mentors who were working in the industry meant we had good visibility into what was happening in the Data Science domain. This came in handy during our job search. The mentors helped us understand a Data Scientist's role on a day to day basis and also gave us transparent insights into the interview process that they might employ to hire a Data Scientist, which definitely helped us in our interviews.
What can you tell us about GreyAtom's career services?
The course was a journey, and travelling with the career services was another journey altogether. They came in at the right time towards the end of the course. Any sooner, and it would've been hard to cope. They put us through a process of rebuilding our entire profile from the bottom up, managing online presence, taking mock interviews and approaching the right companies given our individual profiles. In the end, it was the career services team that made sure that the entire journey was fruitful.
What would you tell aspiring Data Scientists?
Yes. It is definitely possible, go for it.
You might be from a totally different educational or work background, and be wary of switching domains for many reasons, but as long as you have a strong desire to solve problems using data, you can become a successful Data Scientist. GreyAtom helped me transform that desire into an actual career in a short period!
Jasraj Date

Jasraj Date

Artificial Intelligence Engineer at Imotix

DSP mutual fund

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  • Beginner to Data Science
  • Fresher with a maths background
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