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Apply today to our job oriented career tracks where we invest on your in depth learning, up skilling and getting hired on your dream job.

Career Tracks


Data Science with Artificial Intelligence

Your journey to becoming a Data Scientist starts here. Guaranteed. Learn Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Neural Networks.

6 Months
100+ Live Hours

Frontend Web Development

Your journey to becoming a Data Scientist starts here. Guaranteed. Learn Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Neural Networks.

7 Months
100+ Live Hours

Short Courses


Data Science Workshop

Your journey to becoming a Data Scientist starts here. Guaranteed. Learn Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Neural Networks.


Frontend Dev Workshop

Your journey to becoming a Data Scientist starts here. Guaranteed. Learn Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Neural Networks.


Frontend Basecamp

Your journey to becoming a Data Scientist starts here. Guaranteed. Learn Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Neural Networks.


Data Analytics with Python

Your journey to becoming a Data Scientist starts here. Guaranteed. Learn Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Neural Networks.

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