Frontend Engineering Video FAQs

Answers to ALL your Front-end Web Development career-related questions in 60 seconds

Read the most common questions that aspiring Front-end Developers ask about web development career, qualifications, and prerequisites to become a Front-end Web Developer, and more.

Front-end Engineering has two parts. One is the design aspects the aesthetics, where the user experiences interaction design, actual user interface with respect to colors, getting the aesthetics kit and second is putting the life behind it by having the knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and related frameworks


  1. Design aspect – user experience interaction design, actual user interface with respect to colors, getting the aesthetics kit
  2. Coding aspect – How all the element should interact with each other
    It consists of HTML, CSS, Javascript and some of the frameworks


I think we all need to understand what front-end engineering is. I’ll just take maybe a minute and a half to quickly help you understand what this is all about.

If you’re looking at any website, the website essentially has a frontend user interface that you are seeing and the information that gets populated from it essentially comes from some server that is located at someplace around this world, to some underwater fibre optic cable, and it’s coming to your device right now. What should be the experience of the interfaces that are rendered to you? How should it look what should happen when you click when you hold when you don’t do anything? That’s a front-end demeanor. That’s the whole experience. 

Now it has two parts. One is I think the design aspects the aesthetics, where the user experience interaction design, actual user interface with respect to colors, getting the aesthetics kit, right, and all those things and second is putting the life behind it. The interactions, the microcopy is everything that goes into it. 

Now connecting that frontend with the actual database, delivering it safely in transit, all over the globe, allowing for all sorts of interactions on the website, that’s in simple language, what front end engineering is, from a skill perspective, anything from HTML, CSS, to a very large term, which is called as JavaScript and all the other individual frameworks within that is what content engineering typically consists of.

You also typically need to understand the process of version control using Git, multiple other things like a scaffolding framework, what is the task owner, testing suites, all the other components within any of these printed libraries, so a lot of knowledge is typically required to be assembled, it would be very difficult to call someone as a pure front-end engineer because people typically end up being some sort of full-stack engineer with a very strong front end bias.

Any front-end engineer will very well know how to connect with interfaces at the backend, it can be through an endpoint with an API, or any other legacy system to working with that they will be writing their own connectors and queries, and so on and so forth.

So it’s not a 100% black and white kind of field between the frontend and back end. The frontend is more about someone a designer who has conceptualized an idea and experience. This person essentially delivers that experience, this person essentially puts life in that experience. And it’s not really like a one time kind of a thing. But once you design an interface, you give it to the client or the customer, and then there’s a whole amount of testing that happens. And then you keep on improving or iteration.

So that’s exactly what content engineer does, is very well connected with the customer is delivered directly with the business. And most importantly, this person is extremely committed to the technology part of it, delivering the experiences that are architected that we’re conceptualized and making it a reality. 

I hope this answers the question of what front-end engineering is and it triggers that whole chain of thought that you also want to become a front-end engineer. In case that’s the case let us know we are very happy to help you with GreyAtom’s engineering program and to the scoreboard. 

If you’re a creator, you like technology, you like to impact the lives of the users and fourth, you have a very keen eye for user experiences then front-end engineering is the absolute right career for you.


How do you know that this is the right career for you? And it is possibly very important to answer some of these questions upfront. So let me just pinpoint a few things that may help you decide if this is really for you. 

So the number one thing is, do you like creating things? Are you a creator, maker? And if you’re a creator, if you’re a maker, awesome, I think it’s really a good head start. It can also mean that you’re interested in arts all the creative stuff. So I would say the first part is are you a creator, or maker?

Number two thing is, are you interested in technology? Are you interested in technology? Are you interested in coding programming? Second, a very significant tip.

So you have a maker, your Creator. And now we also like, technology, like coding and another thing, what I will say is that you like to impact the lives of learners. In fact, you like to impact the lives of the user of your software, if you are creating that you like to bring about specific behavioral changes, you want them to click on something, you want them to purchase your product, you want them to do something within the software, by law, or otherwise. So that’s like a third, very, very significant tip.

 And fourth thing is, you know, you really, when you open your car, or when you open some book, by showing within your cell phone on the website, you’re able to pinpoint and see different things, you know, what I think is something very interesting that they have done, and I really like it, or this is a normal pattern, you know, in some particular app, if you have an eye for those kinds of things. And if you’re able to see not, I want to do this, this is exactly what I want to build for my users. 

So there you go. You’re a creator, you like technology, you like to impact the lives of the users and fourth, we have a very keen eye for sporting experiences for boarding experiences. If you believe this is what you like, this is what you want to do, this is what you actually enjoy then front-end engineering is the absolute right career for you.

You will bring a very different perspective on authenticity. So this is not a third reason, or I haven’t checked three or four items. So it’s not for me, that’s not the way to take it. But just having awareness of you know, these three, four things, you suddenly might start thinking oh, I think this is something that I might enjoy. And it might be the right. 

share with you all the other data points to help you get started. All the best

Pre-requisites to become a Front-end Engineer are understanding of design, wanting to meet the requirements of the users, or the customers, having some amount of knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and interest in logic, and reasoning.

All right, so what are the prerequisites to becoming a good front-end engineer, now you become a front-end engineer. And I think the prerequisites to become a front-end engineering is that if you know a little bit of HTML and CSS, that’s a great start, and these days, if you know a little bit of HTML and CSS, and you have built some very basic portfolio projects, you would inevitably have had to some amount of jQuery or some amount of JavaScript, you may not understand what’s really happening out there, but you definitely use some off the shelf components, I would say, knowing a little bit of HTML, every bit of CSS that we really definitely have.

 Now, the good thing with JavaScript and why I think language is found so much widespread. acceptance is that while programming in JavaScript, you actually are building interfaces, you’re seeing something, and then you’re able to also see the effects of you know, what you are doing over there. So, JavaScript definitely involves a fair amount of programming. So having some sort of interest in logic, some amount of interest in reasoning, I think definitely is a very significant value and that definitely doesn’t, in general, very high-level understanding of how programming languages work, what are the different constructs in any programming language can also be a very, very value-adding kind of prerequisites, that is also something that is valuable. So that also does help you become a better front-end engineer. 

Fourthly, I would say that being able to understand the requirements of the user of the customer, and wanting to meet them from an experiential perspective, is something that is a very strong prerequisite.

The fifth one, I would say, is having some amount of understanding of how to design how the user interface is typically consumed across devices and having a keen interest in wanting to make sure that that is something that is delivered super, super well.

So these are some, I would say, broad tendencies with respect to being a very strong front-end developer.

So whether it is understanding having an understanding of design, wanting to meet the requirements of the users, or the customers, having some amount of knowledge of HTML, CSS, some want of interest in logic, and reasoning, so these are kind of the things which I believe are the prerequisites, which are the heart of you wanting to become good frontal engineering.

Please remember, I’m not putting anything which is mature enough to be 10+2, 10+3 or 10+4 really don’t want to hedge this benchmark this against any kind of formal education without really seeing people who are even dropouts out of colleges, and they are also able to make significant progress in their aspiration of wanting to be a web developer companies are extremely open, very open to hiring people, irrespective of their academic background. 

In portfolio, ultimately, you want people to see that you have solved some sort of a business problem using interfaces which are extremely robust, they’re portable, across devices, they work well in different contexts and finally, they are visually extremely appealing


  1. A good developer will have a commit history of at least a year with more than 500 commits and good commits
  2. You typically want to bring out your understanding of state management, hooks, React router
  3. The code that you essentially develop on your GitHub, therefore has to be optimized to a certain extent, it needs to meet certain guidelines regulations and follow best practices


A good portfolio for a front-end engineer typically consists of, I would say, at least a good four to five, really strong projects.. What a lot of budding front-end engineers, web developers do is that it is not just that the four or five key projects that they want to show showcase, they put it in the GitHub repository, but everything that they have done in the journey to becoming a frontend engineer, a developer, all of those things are nicely indexed in their GitHub repository. 

A good developer will have a commit history of at least a year with more than 500 commits and good commits, and it will demonstrate the whole learning journey and that can be very, very critical. But when it comes to really showcase some projects, you typically want to get to know certain things, you typically want to bring out your understanding of state management, hooks, React router, you want to build out your experience in controlled, uncontrolled form components, you want to bring out your understanding of having done some integrations, specifically API calls from some external third party devices. You want to build out all of these aspects and much more than all of these things. 

Ultimately, you want people to see that you have solved some sort of a business problem using these interfaces. A key thing for front-end engineers is that your interfaces, your experiences that you essentially craft are extremely robust, they’re portable, across devices, they work well in different contexts and finally, they are visually extremely appealing. I Understand that doing the user interface design is maybe not your mandate but if you’re designing something and putting it in your portfolio, you better make sure that it is based on a very strong portfolio on very strong design. 

The last thing is that the code that you essentially develop on your GitHub, therefore has to be optimized to a certain extent, it needs to meet certain guidelines regulations with respect to linting with respect to best practices with respect to minifying, with respect to commenting with respect to documentation, with respect to hiring, the right badges, putting the right kind of licenses. 

So these are all the kinds of things that you need to take a keen interest in, just to make sure that it gives it the right professional look at a field, a project which is totally iterated which has multiple pull request, which has multiple issues open and corresponding to closed is going to come across as a very professional project. 

So these are all the things that are really, really important and they’ll help you put together a very strong case for yourself and put together a very, very good portfolio. So that’s what makes a really good portfolio I would say, document your journey when you’re learning and put together four strong projects which will break down the various aspects of you want the person to Visio which you believe is your real, super-strong strength.

CSE_ IT Engineering degree to get a Front-end Engineering Job is not compulsory. Even if you’re not from CSE or other engineering background, you can still be Front-end Engineer


  1. Building applications in the production-grade environment and what you do in the campus on the colleges are two very, very different things
  2. The customer is going to place requirements which are real, very non-academic,
  3. In real word, projects needs to be developed with all functional and nonfunctional requirement in given timeframe
  4. User experience is very important


All right. So this is a very important question. Do we need a CSE? It kind of an engineering degree to get software in web dev? front-end engineering kind of let me answer the street, the answer is clear. No. The answer is 100%. Clear? No.

If you’ve done your CSE degree, you definitely have gone to subjects like analysis of algorithm, data structures. Possibly, I think if your students want to pick up the tech book on as algorithms by Thomas Boardman. So yes, we definitely have some sort of head start with respect to, you know, understanding those parts however, I think it just typically stops at that.

I’m not under-estimating or playing down the curriculum that we have in CSE  where we do end to end projects, we do a lot of programming languages of subjects in the backend, I think that all is absolutely fine. But essentially, building applications in the production-grade environment and what you do in the campus on the colleges are two very, very different things. What you essentially learn in any front-end engineering program is when you do it, through GreyAtom or wherever else, and when you start applying this knowledge in the company is a lot of production-grade requirements. That is number one. 

Number two, you’re actually working with the real customer and the customer is going to place requirements which are real, which can be you know, very non-academic, which can be very, very accepting. 

Number three, when you do a lot of these projects, and assignments or learning in your college environment, you typically only fulfill a lot of functional requirements that you know, the software is supposed to do this, it does this. But does the software do that in a particularly given timeframe? Also, those non-functional requirements are not very well defined, hence not met. 

Number four is essentially the experience. The experience, the whole user experience, part of it is typically not very well driven at on a campus level, I think what we typically end up seeing is that it should look go rich abroad fast and should work, and typically, that’s the pecking order. So some of these things we don’t end up doing at an undergraduate level.

A person from a civil mechanical production kind of a background also has gone through a similarly grueling, rigorous curriculum at the undergraduate level. But they don’t really have formal exposure to a lot of programming languages. And I would typically end up saying that if you don’t see it engineering, it’s good. You possibly have some additional information knowledge, but you definitely don’t have like six months kind of a head start or your peers who are from other streams.

So it is not a mandatory thing. It is not compulsory. Even if you’re not from CSE and it kind of an engineering background, you can still make it you probably take a month longer, and you can still make it very meaningfully in this particular video.

Mechanical, civil, chemical, instrumentations and any non-it or non-comp science engineer can be successful Front-end Engineer


  1. Any non-it or non-comp science of field, there is absolutely nothing to worry or feel that you don’t have any headstart in your career
  2. I think just you don’t have to spend much time, you’ve done theory of structures, you have done strength of materials, you’re done mechanics, you’re done fluid mechanics, you’re a lot of very valuable things for you go into the automotive field, you have looked at walls, you’ve looked at a lot of different things, these concepts are far more challenging than what we typically come across in some of the fields in consensus.


All right, all the mechanical engineers out there from mechanical civil production, chemical instrumentations, any non-it or non-comp science of field, there is absolutely nothing to worry or feel that you don’t have any headstart in your career or anything of that sort.

Let me want to show you that if you are from any of these fields, at some point in time in your four-year curriculum in India, you would have definitely done some amount of programming, you definitely have taken a lot of simulation software’s, or built stuff in your domain.

What essentially what it essentially says is that you have a very strong quantitative bent of mind, and this bent of mind will help you become a very, very strong and a better programmer going forward. 

So can I become a front-end engineer if you’re from a mechanical background? 100%? Yes. 

I think just you don’t have to spend much time, you’ve done theory of structures, you have done strength of materials, you’re done mechanics, you’re done fluid mechanics, you’re a lot of very valuable things for you go into the automotive field, you have looked at walls, you’ve looked at a lot of different things, these concepts are far more challenging than what we typically come across in some of the fields in consensus. 

A lot of engineering a lot of concepts are portable from you know, some of these engineering sciences to your front-end engineering to so be rest assured you already have a head start we have a good head start and you will be able to make use in enough number of people from the mechanical background. Go on to become really, really awesome developers.

Our attempt over here is to not tell you help you or sell the notion of programming. But just to help you understand that, have you come to a well-researched opinion, slash conclusion about yourself that you hate programming? Or is it that you started on a very false footing? And you came to a misplaced conclusion that no, you don’t like programming? So that’s essentially the last question that I need to ask you. And you need to come back with a very honest assessment of questions for answers for yourself. So if you absolutely don’t like programming, don’t get into a developer kind of role,that’s a fact of life. But if you believe that you’re not putting sufficient effort to discover what programming is and what you really like about it, I think you need to put in maybe a couple of more iterations over here.

So I hate programming, can I become a front-end engineer? Now, let me answer this question extremely honestly if you have tried to program to become a coder to become a programmer to become a developer, and you put some significant amount of time in it, and you still don’t end up liking, programming, and you hate programming, then front-end engineering is not a career for you. 

What we have seen, what I have typically seen is that learners start approach programming, they do pick up the basics, and somewhere they lose track of the journey, and they give up really, really too soon, too fast and that’s how they come to a conclusion, I will say a misplaced conclusion that they hate programming. It’s just that they have not approached the subject of the topic from first principles from absolute basics.

Right now, in the modern-day, when the new national education policy in the country mandates or other also suggest that really, really young learners and students in schools and even you know, before that, even when they can start picking up programming, and if you look at some of the work that has been done by, or people in this space, especially when it comes to teaching programming, to young learners, I think it is commendable. If the subject is introduced in a very suitable way in a very easy way, in a way, which is conducive to you picking up and enjoying it, then you will end up enjoying programming. Programming is nothing but an extension of logic, an extension of a lot of reasoning, and being able to express that in some sort of English like language. 

Of course, when it comes to language, there are rules, just like there is grammar iIn English, there is truth to any programming language, which is called syntax

So my attempt over here is to not tell you help you or sell the notion of programming. But just to help you understand that, have you come to a well-researched opinion, slash conclusion about yourself that you hate programming? Or is it that you started on a very false footing? And you came to a misplaced conclusion that no, you don’t like programming? So that’s essentially the last question that I need to ask you. And you need to come back with a very honest assessment of questions for answers for yourself. So if you absolutely don’t like programming, don’t get into a developer kind of role,that’s a fact of life. But if you believe that you’re not putting sufficient effort to discover what programming is and what you really like about it, I think you need to put in maybe a couple of more iterations over here. 

On a parting note, I would like to give you one simple task. Why don’t you just quickly search on Google for an article by Peter Norvig. And the article is – “Teach yourself programming or learn programming in 10 years”. teach yourself how to program in 10 years, It does not translate that you will take 10 years to learn to programming, but has a very specific and very different message. You can learn programming in a shorter division of 90 days.

It’s a natural question and we understand what is the larger question that is underlying this. So a front-end engineering is going to be relevant. So let’s first understand what front-end engineering is anything and everything that you build as a web interface, the experience that you architect around it, not just on the web, but mobile and these days also in variables and alternative possible devices. So if you look at the broader trends that are typically coming up, you know, foldable displays, I think Google Glasses or something like that will come back HoloLens, augmented reality.

I think some form of front end intellect is always going to be required. And we will not be surprised if it is always going to be based on some sort of JavaScript stack because the sheer talent, the number of people that are available over here, I think people just want to incrementally keep on building libraries on some sort of a JavaScript style. 

So absolutely, it is going to be around it is going to be adding what we spoke about, it’s just way too futuristic, probably it will be like, I don’t know, and I don’t know, someone may read it so accurately, but maybe it is 2024 2025 times. What 2021/22 we’re looking at great organic demand for the modern-day frameworks, which are available in the market right now. 

So absolutely, I think this is a reasonable future proof career option, which you can incrementally then build upon, is not nearly to restart, you just need to keep incrementally building on top of it. So 100%, we’re looking at a very strong set of skills and capabilities that we can develop once we have different engineering skills.

There is a scarcity of front-end engineers and the gap is qualitative.

There is a qualitative scarcity of front-end engineers in India. What we mean by that is that given the population of India and the number of people who are graduating from engineering colleges, BCA, MCA, Of course, there is very difficult to imagine some sort of scarcity with respect to human force for the companies, but there is a qualitative gap between the number of people are not less, but it is the quality that is within the people, the amount of skills, the maturity of skills, the completeness of skills, the finishing, that is where the gap is, and hence, there is no scarcity for front-end engineers, a lot of people who are graduating especially in 2020 at this point in time be complaining that there are no jobs.

If you hear the story on the other side, if you speak to the employers, they come back with a similar story that they are one of the candidates in the market. So, the problem is not that the modern there are sites which are used to match the talent the companies are broken, the hiring process is broken not because I think there is some problem with the web interface of the hiring process is broken because there is a gap in the quality between what a company expects and what is readily available operation and hence, I say we say at the end, there is a scarcity of front-end engineers in India, especially in the latter half of 2020, when the markets are very, very rapidly opening and the demand is surging. This scarcity is even felt in a very, very strong way.

We are seeing the placements for the 100 engineers of the pool that we have are rapidly getting absorbed in the market. More importantly, we are seeing demand which we are not able to match up. There are mandates from companies who are willing to hire the person to hire. But even we don’t have the kind of numbers that we’re looking at to provide these kinds of people because people are still in the pipeline. They’re graduating, they’re completing their education. And we always tell them, you know what I think to wait till Jan, wait till mid-October, I think we’ll start getting talent. So yes, there is a scarcity of front-end engineers and the gap is qualitative.

Everyone wants to either migrate to tier-one Metro, or they want to stay in their hometowns because you know, that’s where they have their houses they can save on the rental cars, they get home-cooked meals. So when cities in India have the maximum, front-end engineering jobs, basically which cities in India have engineering jobs? Right. So I think I’ll make this answer super short and precise. I think the pecking order is NCR, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad and then you have a whole lot of subsidies, which are essentially Chennai, a lot of tier one, tier two, IT townships Bhubwaneshwar, Chandigarh is not tier two, of course, but I think townships which are having very strong it orientation. Companies with a very strong startup culture, something as small as a Surat, Nagpur t Trivandrum, Cochin, in the east, Kolkata. 

There are lots of jobs, but I think let’s just focus on the top three or four where I think the bulk of the jobs are essentially going to be created and are at this point in time with respect to front-end engineering. I hope this is a very short answer to your question.

There is a great demand for front-end developers at this point in time, as we speak, we need to understand why we have this kind of demand. 

A couple of reasons. Number one, everything that is built right now is some sort of web-based application. It is a web mobile, or some sort of interface, which is delivered over the internet. To architect this, I think the browser is one end of it and second is the server, so between the server and the client, the browser being the one which enters the whole thing, JavaScript is the most potent framework, which is immersed as the actual choice to do whatever historical reasons we’ve seen.

Now, the thing is, React is essentially a framework, which is born out of the Facebook fold, where the need for speed is of no extreme demand. The whole reason why React is, getting developed to a recipe is that you know, you could deliver interfaces beautifully, faster, quicker, more efficiently, all those kinds of things. So the demand for front end engineers is going to stay robust for the foreseeable future and the reason being, everything that’s getting built is getting built on the, for the variables for the augmented reality market, and all those kinds of things. 

So the best way to judge what is the demand for front-end engineering is, is to go on websites, especially ones where you can search by designation, you can search by experience, bracket, and geography. Let’s put in some of these criteria on some of the popular websites, these websites typically show, you know, what is the salary bracket, and what is the aggregate demand in that particular geography, for that particular rule. We have looked at some of these numbers over a period of time, and we can very confidently say that over a period of time, these skills are only doing.

The second artifact that you might want to check out is just the popularity of JavaScript as a language, a simple query on StackOverflow with Ruby, what are the popular languages in 2020? and more importantly, it will also tell you what is the trend has been over the years, you will very clearly see Python, and JavaScript, both languages, winning this battle, you know, hands down. 

Thirdly, JavaScript as a language can not only be used for the front-end application but these days, the modern-day backend is also architected using JavaScript

So yes, I think this is one skill that is going to be in extreme demand in time to come. I hope that really answers your question. 

If I were to offer a single word, answer to this question, then my answer is everyone. Yes, my answer is, everyone, Here’s why. I’ll put some names and everything, so right from, you know, Medley, which is a 100 million series kind of a company, Deloitte, Fractal and lots of other companies that are coming to the top of my mind, because they’re hiring from us possibly and there is a reason why people are hiring.

If you look at any company, which is internet-based, any internet business at this point in time is delivering strong experiences and wanting to deliver stronger experiences online and to make sure that that happens in a very uninterrupted way to just keep on upping the game, they will need to invest in talent, they will need to keep on investing on people because, at the end of the day, there’s just a lot to be built, there is a factor of attrition that is shown and we need to definitely have a very strong pool and a pipeline of talent because that cannot be impacting the business. 

So there are lots of these companies. My short observation is everyone is hiring for front-end engineer, because a front-end engineer comes with a JavaScript kind of a standard and a lot of companies also investing in the JavaScript front-end and JavaScript back-end. So basically a strong combo. So yes, my answer is very optimistic, everyone.

No failure is permanent. I think the only failure is to, you know, failing to try again. Some of these things which are dropped gap in the academic year indicate you’re allowed to keep tabs on this called back in different contexts or different regions in the country, and low scores in engineering colleges. fortunately, or unfortunately, the academic system in India possibly has failed to capture the complete range of talent that a person may have, and accurately reflect that using some sort of standardized set of scores or test.

Let’s say that the engineering scores and your education and success that you get in them are not 100% representative of who you are, what you are, as an individual, people with exceptional gifts and talents and abilities on the technical side, sometimes are not able to completely express themselves in the structure of that intermediary system imposes on you, especially with respect to assignments, tutorials, practicals, and final exams and via so it’s a multi-prong evaluation, I believe there’s strong merit in the way the system is structured is not inherently flawed or anything of that sort but it may fail at some times to unlock the talent and showcase it accurately and unlock the aptitude and showcase it sufficiently for a certain number of people. 

In case you have any of these things, and you aspire to get a front-end engineering job, an engineering job, please make sure please have it registered very clearly in your mind that none of this is a hindrance, you can very well make a very strong case for yourself and you can become a very competent engineer, a very competent front-end engineer. We believe the skills that you picked up in maths skills that you have picked up in some amount of programming, logic reasoning. I think those are more critical with respect to your ability to express yourselves programmatically and your general problem-solving ability. So I will not say that there is zero correlation between these things but in case we have had a string of low scores, or KT’s or anything of that sort, please have it very clearly in your mind that you can make it into a very, very strong business case for yourself for a career in Data Sciences, so it’s absolutely possible. It’s you know, an effect from my side, I’ve seen enough number of people to you know, made the, you know, irrespective of whether they go academically or drop in their careers, and then have more to become really strong engineers.

For front-end engineering, what really matters is that you need to understand how the companies are hiring. The way that companies are looking at candidates is whether the candidate has done some amount of work when the candidate can be put in some sort of a production-grade environment, either for themselves or for the client. So your portfolio matters of you doing the hiring challenge matters, your interview matters, knowledge matters, skill matters, but definitely the certification does not matter.

Front-end engineering is not about certifications, certifications are more and more suitable for skills where the curriculum is standardized. Let’s look at say, Amazon Web Services where AWS, has a constant flow of newer services but there are services which are essentially either stable or maturing at a lower pace or let’s look at Cisco. Cisco has certification with Cisco certified network certificate and all those kinds of things CCNA CCNP but these are all stable set of certifications, which are based on some established hardware and software over a period of time. certifications are not the ones that you should be chasing for the front-end. 

For front-end engineering, what really matters is that you need to understand how the companies are hiring. The way that companies are looking at candidates is whether the candidate has done some amount of work when the candidate can be put in some sort of a production-grade environment, either for themselves or for the client. So your portfolio matters of you doing the hiring challenge matters, your interview matters, knowledge matters, skill matters, but definitely the certification does not matter. 

So let me just put it very simply, what certification to walk the dog already certification, just keep building portfolio projects. Do it really well, get them reviewed by peers, get them removed by people who are experienced in the industry, seek constant feedback. I think that’s the best certification that you could ever I hope that helps.

The curriculum for front-end engineering at GreyAtom, we typically start with a base camp, then we have at least, base camp typically lasts for one month, then there are two months which are dedicated to getting in depth with the frameworks, specifically the React and the Angular, we have a treatment for both of them. And from the fourth month on what is the 91st day onwards, we typically will start with what we typically call as portfolio projects building, which is essentially, you know, bringing all of your projects together.

I’ll just give you a quick overview. Module One is all about mastering JavaScript, so right from understanding all the robots, even to the basic constructs of JavaScript, making sure your HTML. CSS is in place, all the event listeners, designing forms, validations, all those kinds of things. So that’s all that happens in the month one.

In the month two, we start with React, the react, we typically start and we have completely good coverage, right from components, state management, all the way up to hooks, and everything that’s in between. There is some water treatment for Redux also, please remember, everything that you’re talking about right from the tape is based on projects at no point in time, will there be separate dedicated sessions for concepts, it will all be based on projects, and you basically are solving the project at any given point in time and as a result, you’re just making up the concepts. 

When you move on to Angular, we typically start off by helping understand why we are doing Angular. How is it different than Redux? because by the time you have some foundation in Redux, we are looking at the key differences between Redux and Angular, the data binding, or the two way data binding, I believe now I think Redux is also caught up. And everything that’s there again, we will be solving some projects or projects typically are you looking at food ordering app, you’re looking at some sort of a portfolio tracker, and some of these apps that you are building as a result of your journey. 

Month four is essentially want to apply all of these things as a giant effort. And you’re doing a lot of, you know, building an end to end project right from writing the first line of code to all the way up to deployment, you will most likely be doing some sort of a Trello like application and this will be implemented using Redux and that is done using Redux and to also be deployed, so it’s going to be very impressive, interesting. journey. So that’s what the front end engineering curriculum at greyatom looks like. Please download the brochure to discover more about this. 

All right. So learners typically have this notion this concept that the more the number of people, you would have a deteriorated learning experience just like the classroom because people are used to seeing 30/40/50/60/80/100 people around them in the classroom. Now, when you replicate the same dynamics in an online classroom and online, live instructor-led mentor session, the dynamic that actually shapes your learning experience is extremely personal. All you’re able to see is the mentor and some sort of a chat widget. Now, you are going to have a question. Your attention spans and levels may fluctuate as a collective, there are going to be questions that are going to be popping up in the chat panel, some of these questions are the questions that you are not able to anticipate. So you actually learn from a lot of questions that are asked by your peers. 

Secondly, an online classroom is very non-threatening, it’s a very easy interface where you can ask a question and there are some interfaces, there are some online, software’s devious offers where you can actually even ask an anonymous question. There are interfaces where you can ask a question anonymously and also have people upvoting it, like Slido. Not all of these dynamics are not available in an offline classroom.

In most of the cases, of course, there are people who have built some software even for offline classrooms but for the majority, such experiences don’t exist offline. These experiences exist for you online, it is actually better, that you have more and more of these learners add great and we believe that strength of 80 to 90 people at any point in time in the classroom is a very good number. And that is something that is going to help you learn better faster to ensure that you have a very strong learning experience. 

So that’s what is the short answer. We have close to 80- 100 at any given point in time, in a classroom in an online setting. We believe that this is a good number to have in the classroom.

GreyAtom has almost 50% of its journey for the learner dedicated to the Career Placements, what we typically call internally as Career Services. by career services, we actually are hinting towards a whole range of activities, right from putting together your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your GitHub profile, your portfolio, and then polishing those portfolio projects so that they are really presentable for prospective companies. 

Career Services also includes conducting mock interviews, lining up peer light mock interviews for you, connecting you with the industry partners, putting you through the endorsement framework, and getting you endorsed. Finally, going through the interviews, especially the ones that you don’t clear, and then doing a retro on top of it until you understand why you didn’t clear those interviews. 

So does GreyAtom help people with placements? The answer is an absolute yes because that is integral to our philosophy that is integral to our business, the way we operate. 

At GreyAtom, we take close to 75% of the fees from the learner once the learner gets placed once the learner gets a job and what we mean by that is that the learner has the first salary on his or her own account and that’s when GreyAtom collect 75% of its fees from the learners, I hope that helps, you know, with respect to how GreyAtom helps with placements. 

A learner endorsement framework is essentially a way of GreyAtom, where we can tell you that you are going to get placed before you know that you’re going to get placed. It’s a reliability score, that companies look at, they look at great of the day or good or sign some sort of learner endorsement framework, and other endorsements for the basis of which they can shortlist their hiring process. And they have faith and trust and confidence in a score that we assign to the learner. That is as simply put, as it is.

This is based on the amount of time that you spend on the creative learning platform, how you conduct yourself, the qualitative and the quantitative metrics that the platform spins off, and your behavior with respect to attendance, completion of projects, and everything goes in the making of this particular score. It is based on both quantitative numeric as well as human intervention and scores inputted over there. So the GreyAtom learner endorsement framework is something that is very reliable indicator of whether you’re going to get a job, how fast you’re going to get a job.

Once we say that the GreyAtom learner is endorsed, this person typically moves on to a part in the journey of their learning where they start interacting with the companies interacting with our industry partners, and their prospects of getting a job are very, very high. I hope that explains to you what the GreyAtom endorsement framework is. 

A lot of us in life are in a hurry, it’s very important to understand how much time is required to complete this program. So the designated timeframe that we have is four months. And what we do with this ordinance or just break it down in a very large way, the first month is what we typically call as the base camp and this will typically help you go through the foundations of JavaScript will basically make you a very competent JavaScript person, who is geared to the topic of Saudi larger frameworks.

Month two, and month three, we essentially do a lot of things in React and then in Angular, we believe that Angular is a very important part of the ecosystem, a lot of people are using it.

So two and three is, you know, typically spills over into the fourth, but also, but the first idea is you’re essentially doing JavaScript, React and Angular multiple is essentially when you start putting together your projects and you start talking to recruiters, you start showing them, your portfolio projects on and so forth and that’s when you start getting a job, we believe that this process will take anywhere between one to three months.

So we expect you to have a patient of at least six months when you get into this particular program and you essentially get started and start making progress with respect to your aspirations less ambition to get a job in front-end engineering, the short answer, how long is the program answer is four months. How much time is required to get a job? I would say six months so please have project and patience or six months before you start putting undue pressure on yourself to make this kind of transition happen for you. I hope that answers your question. All the best

Having a strong foundation in JavaScript is the most important thing and, you know, being a good React developer or being a good Angular developer is only going to make you a good JavaScript developer.


  1. Angular is actually the older of the libraries. Angular is very strongly supported and driven in the market by Google.
  2. React is been around from 2013-2014 onwards and Facebook is essentially the one who is behind React.
  3. There are definitely points where react as a library is, not technically superior, but definitely has some points of difference. The core difference essentially lies in state management, the way the data binding is done.


A lot of people when they’re evaluating full-stack and front-end engineering programs, they typically end up asking what is the library of choice for front-end engineering that will essentially be using and training on in the entire journey. So, the library of choice at GreyAtom is definitely React. And the counter-question that typically comes up is why not Angular or some of the other popular libraries. So here again, you know, just, you know, this is a reflection at GreyAtom, from what we understand from the market, we definitely see that the adoption rates for Angular are good well enriched kind of library in the Indian Domestic Job Market but what we see essentially is that react is the one who’s gaining traction really thick and fast. 

So, let me just quickly outline some differences between React and Angular. So Angular is actually the older of the libraries. Angular is very strongly supported and driven in the market by Google. React is been around from 2013-2014 onwards and Facebook is essentially the one who is behind React, there is an in our team at Facebook, which essentially maintains react and the community support that React enjoys, it’s significantly higher.

A simple Google search will reveal the GitHub four grades, the number of stars, some of these libraries have had, around the popularity of these libraries on Stack Overflow. So we definitely see that React seems to be winning the race. 

There are definitely points where react is a library is, I would say not technically superior, but definitely has some points of difference. The core difference essentially lies in state management, the way the data binding is done, all those kinds of things. Most importantly, we essentially are talking to a lot of recruiters people who are essentially hiring for Front-end and Full-stack engineering roles. A lot of legacy systems or mid legacy systems would say systems that are developed after 2010 have Angular in them but a lot of startups or companies that are essentially trying to do some sort of a final inverse, also adopting React in a very large way.

Another point to note over here is that all these libraries, whether it is React, Angular can co-exist meaningfully in a very meaningful way. So it doesn’t mean that your report project only needs to be based on a single library. We’ve seen the hybrid approaches being adopted and implemented, even in some production-grade environments. So the basis of all these things we believe that you know, having a strong foundation in JavaScript is the most important thing and, you know, being a good React developer or being a good Angular developer is only going to make you a good JavaScript developer. So that’s where we at, you know, GreyAtom has chosen to go ahead with react and essentially all the projects and apps that you will end up the building would be based on the act.

Essentially, there is no need to claim supremacy of one framework or the other but React we seem to understand and we know that has a good strong correlation with the job market and is getting lapped up at the speed of not so there you have it, you know, that’s why GreyAtom is all for React.

JavaScript actually crosses the boundaries and is available both in the front-end and the backend code. So once you know JavaScript, a bit of JavaScript, you will be able to do a lot of things not just on the front-end, but also on the back end set with node and lots of other technologies.


  1. So front-end engineering is essentially very you know a lot of JavaScript, in very simple words and you are the architect of delivering the experience that your design team or a UX team essentially conceptualizes and you are making those web interfaces from it with life.
  2. A back end engineer is essentially a person who’s going to make sure that everything that you need to display on the front-end is parked somewhere, safely accurately in a scalable way, you’re able to serve out things you’re able to host deploy and make all these things happen. That’s actually the skeletal structure that really goes on and drives everything.
  3. A full-stack is essentially a person who theoretically knows both.


So let’s start by understanding what is a front-end engineering? What is backend engineering? And what exactly is full-stack? And are there any divisions between all three of them? The question is in the context of why is great calling their program, the front-end engineering program, and not a full-stack engineering program. All right. So I’m just going to touch on all these things for 10-15 seconds each 

So front-end engineering is essentially very you know a lot of JavaScript, in very simple words and you are the architect of delivering the experience that your design team or a UX team essentially conceptualizes and you are making those web interfaces from it with life.

A back end engineer is essentially a person who’s going to make sure that everything that you need to display on the front-end is parked somewhere, safely accurately in a scalable way, you’re able to serve out things you’re able to host deploy and make all these things happen. That’s actually the skeletal structure that really goes on and drives everything.

A full-stack is essentially a person who theoretically knows both. The more real version of it is that you can be a full-stack engineer with very strong front-end buyers, or it can be a full-stack engineer with a very strong back end bias. Traditionally, people have made the transition by starting in one of them, and you’re either a front-end beginner, you’re a JavaScript person, and then you slowly picked up a lot of things from the backend, going back, maybe good 5-6 years, the technologies that we use on the front-end and the backend, were drastically different. At this point in time, you know, JavaScript actually crosses the boundaries and is available both in the front-end and the backend code. So once you know JavaScript, a bit of JavaScript, you will be able to do a lot of things not just on the front-end, but also on the back end set with node and lots of other technologies. 

So we are choosing to call our program the front-end engineering program but essentially, we know for a fact that the people who essentially graduate from grad go on to fetch not just certain rules, but the whole full-stack roles. I hope you found that helpful. And that answers your query.

So once you think your basic skills are in place, the rest of the time essentially goes in this particular thing. So we drive the career placements in a very, very strong way with respect to the placement report. The number one thing that is something that we call as the learner endorsement framework.


  1. With respect to the highest compensation that someone from GreyAtom has essentially got, the number is close to putting on 21Lacs for the highest placed learner from GreyAtom with respect to the average.
  2. For front-end engineering, we typically find people getting placed at 5.7 lakhs


I’m sure all of you want to know the answer to this question that what is the placement record at the front-end engineering program? So it’s a very relevant question. So let me first quickly help you understand that Career Services and getting a person placed is a good 50% of the effort of what exactly happens from our spending the time perspective, a learner is with us for six months and is spending more than three to four months only on getting the job. 

So once you think your basic skills are in place, the rest of the time essentially goes in this particular thing. So we drive the career placements in a very, very strong way with respect to the placement report, the number one thing that is something that we call as the learner endorsement framework, what we mean by that is, before you know that you’re going to get placed, we actually ended up knowing much before that, that you are going to get placed and to make that thing happen. 

We have a mix of score, which is based on your qualitative, your quantitative, and your behavioral indicators. Once a person is Greyatom endorsed once we say that you’re going to get a job once you want to get placed, we find more than 86% of the people. More than 86% of the people who essentially grant them indoors, they get placed. So that’s essentially the placement record at GreyAtom.

With respect to the highest compensation that someone from GreyAtom has essentially got, the number is close to putting on 21Lacs for the highest placed learner from GreyAtom with respect to the average. For front-end engineering, we typically find people getting placed at 5.7 lakhs that’s the average, the median is much higher than that. More people get salaries more than that. So those are some of the numbers specifically for people starting out in front-end engineering. 

Please check out and You’ll find the link right on the website in the footer and also in the menu. Please check them out. If you have any questions. Let me know happy to talk to you

GitHub profile is absolutely a must if you’re into any kind of software engineering and if you’re a front-end engineer, What is even more necessary and more important than to get a profile is a deployed application on GitHub, or any other hosting platform with the link appropriately put on GitHub is necessary.

The answer is yes, GitHub profile is absolutely a must if you’re into any kind of software engineering and if you’re a front-end engineer, I think it is even more important. What is even more necessary and more important than to get a profile is a deployed application, if you build some sort of web interface, having it deployed on GitHub, or any other hosting platform with the link appropriately put on GitHub is absolutely absolutely necessary. So I cannot emphasise this anymore, because I think if you are waiting for any kind of a developer interview, people are going to ask for your GitHub profile.

GitHub profile, in this case, not just a couple of projects that you want to showcase. those projects need to be here but I think your proof of effort, something that you’ve learned over a period of time on your commits over the last year, I think all of them do matter. So I think a sustained effort sustained application is something that would be really, really valuable and important on your GitHub profile. So yes, absolutely. A GitHub profile is must, is an absolute must.

Build UI, bug fixes, pair programming, project building, technical screening, leadership round and HR round, possible, and that’s the likely hiring process for you.

Thousands of people get hired every year from campuses by the top 50 hiring IT companies in this particular country, we really need to understand what is the hiring process that happens beyond the campuses, we all understand what happens on the campuses, but what does it take to get hired as a front-end engineer off the campus, you know, what’s the typical hiring process, like, here’s the thing, the hiring, the way it works have campuses that you will essentially be given some sort of UI, it will be a screenshot of some sort of an interface, which is typically available, which they want to build, or they believe with, or if you end up building this particular interface, you will be exposed to a certain part of the functionality of the language, which they can handle, very open kind of a conversation. So typically, it can have something like a to-do app or some sort of a traveling lab, or some sort of an ordering system. So these are very typical examples that you come across in the hiring process. 

This is just a conversation starter. If you build this, if you go for the internal process, people are typically going to check for some very basics once they receive the codebase and the interface, and once that is done if you get shortlisted people are just going to dig deeper into what you wrote what interfaces are typically written and that’s where the whole conversation is going to snowball into.

So if you’re building like a to-do list, which is a very entry-level challenge that you always do in React or something of that sort, people are typically going to get deeper into either one or control components sort of uncontrolled components, if you build some sort of form, and how do you put the validation? How do you basically do state management did that. So that was one of some very specific questions and the syntactic nuances that come with it, the thought process that typically applied when you chose one particular approach or the other. So that’s how the whole thing works.

Once your tech round is done, and they’re comfortable with it, I think is going to be followed by either the leadership round and then the HR round. I think the process is fairly typical, except for the hiring challenge, where I think that things can get very, very interesting and that’s how these things are.

Some of the variants of the hiring process include, you’re given a working running kind of software and you’re asked to do some sort of bug fix. So that is one of the approaches and the third part we typically see is some sort of a pair programming kind of an interview where people are actually observing you in real-time because they want you to, you know, apply things in front of them. These interviews are typically not very long, because they don’t expect you to do the whole hiring project, but they just expertly remove some mixture of all of it. 

Now we take all these things, bug fixes, pair programming, project, building, technical screening, HR round and do a complete permission combination of it and all of that is 100%. possible, and that’s the likely hiring process for you. It’s not unique. It’s not something that is very different for different companies. It is something that you come across, you know, similar in markets across companies, but you should expect more or less or a combination of everything that we have discussed. I hope that answers your question. There’s a knack for cracking every stage. We typically know what the recruiters are expecting at each stage that we can probably guide. I hope this help

In different universities tend to have a very focused curriculum for BCA and MCA and in some cases, we have found it to be even more laser-sharp and focused hence Greyatom believes that BCA and the MCA as a current pool can make a significant contribution in this particular job market.


BCA and MCA which are Bachelors of Computer Application, and Masters of Computer Application, often, in different universities tend to have a very focused curriculum and in some cases, we have found it to be even more laser-sharp and focused than not a CSE or IT engineering curriculum typically afford.

Please don’t take it as a blanket statement or a very detailed analysis but nonetheless, we have found this to be a truism base on our own experiences of hiring people from BCA/MCA background and not making an absolute comparison but that’s actually the fact of life. 

So not just on the basis of you know, my experience or our experience in hiring BCA or MCA candidate, but just a fact of life that there is a very large demand for software engineers, web engineers, front-end engineers, and the pure engineering throughput that we receive in this particular country from a quality and quantitative perspective may not be sufficient to cater to the quality is currently being put up.

So the demand-supply from a quality perspective is kind of broken and we believe the BCA and the MCA as a current pool can make a significant contribution and in this particular job market, so yes, we speaking from data, the BCA and the MCA students often make it really, really very nice, the colors for printing. So that’s the fact.


  1. Get yourself registered on some of the interesting sites like
  2. Constantly keep solving those challenges available on CodeChef, HackerRank because it will help you to prove your worth and get jobs
  3. You should be very actively speaking to developers and CTOs and founders of startups, and showcasing your work with your GitHub portfolio and show them what you have built


India is a startup nation, and everyone is looking to get a piece of the action, including the developers. So how do you apply for a job in the startup? And that’s the question that we have over here. 

So here’s the thing, a startup in entities, a very, very small living organism, it can be anywhere between one person to 20/30/40 people and it can be much bigger also, and I’m not trying to restrict the definition,  trying to bring over here this, there is an inherent lack of structure, there is no HR or there is no hiring manager, or possibly, there are no applications and your job postings are available on some of the established properties. Some of these companies will choose to advertise their positions on some of more maverick sites, essentially, where they believe a lot of interesting talent is crisscrossing.

So it is, first of all, very important to get yourself registered on some of the more interesting sites, you know, like has the, I would say,, and more of these different sites.

Secondly, also competitive website sites like a CodeChef, HackerRank, some of these places are, you know, places where a lot of challenges are typically floated. And people are constantly solving those challenges because they want to prove their worth and get jobs. So these are some good places where you essentially start generating leads and can also apply and convert your opportunities over here.

Thirdly, you should be very actively speaking to developers and CTOs and founders of these startups, and showcasing your work, please go to them not with your resume but with your GitHub portfolio and show them you know, what you have built and somewhere if you do this enough, the law of large numbers essentially kicks in, people get interested in what you do, how you do it and you want to strike up conversations and some of these conversations are going to lead to conversations where you essentially are talking about your job. 

So how do you apply for a job in startups and startups? I think to use the not very linear and undefined ways but go and strike conversations. The important part is conversations, conversations, conversations if you can talk to people, if they can talk to you, you’re going to get a job. 

We see the average salary for front end engineers that are getting recruited from GreyAtom at 5.7 lakhs per annum. However, it is important that you get the right company, you get the right opportunity you’re getting to work on the right projects. Most important is if you’re working with the right mentors.


Right. So what is the average salary for front-end engineers for freshers slipping give you a straight answer over here, we see the average salary for front end engineers that are getting recruited from GreyAtom at 5.7 lakhs per annum, you should check out this number on the website  you can also find many success stories on the home page. 

Now here is a piece of advice, a very clear binary advice to all of you guys. What is your starting salary? It is important, but you should not please irrational wait on that I think what is more important is that you get the right company, you get the right opportunity you’re getting to work on the right projects. Most important is if you’re working with the right mentors, so yes, these are metrics. It’s good to report and you want it and I provided it to you, but let’s stay focused on the right metrics in life and I think you’ll do well or a bit too long. 

All right. So I think a lot of people who are in 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 years of experience bracket, I would say, two to eight years, they also look to switch their careers and become front-end engineers and it is very important to understand, you know, what is the salary that these people were essentially ended up getting?

So here, I’m going to give you a straight answer but here are the reasons why people switch, the reasons why we will switch after 4-6 years of experience in different areas, because they are doing something that they’re doing right now, which they’re not at all happy with. and because they’re not happy, doing what they’re doing, their growth is limited and they see the belief, you know, front-end engineering and engineering in general, as a strong outlet to expressing their talent and alleging, you know, a fair amount of financial success in their lives. 

So yes, I think the way to look at it is, you know, what kind of compensation that you can command up to five years of experience is the safest way to get this done, you know, whatever is your current compensation plus whatever is the prevailing market rate. If the market is giving a raise of 30 40%, you should expect a similar kind of outcome for yourself, in case your current compensation is extremely depressed for some reason, and you’re looking to, you know, make this kind of a transition and you’re really good and you come across very strong in the interview process, you should expect a baseline of minimum 5.7 lakhs. 

The best way to describe some of these numbers is to check out on some of these popular websites where you typically get some sort of salary and employment data. If you search on them, you will be able to find how much is the compensation that a particular role or designation gets in a particular geography with a particular experience bracket. So please check out some of these numbers for yourself and make get the data first hand. So what is the salary for front-end engineers for five plus years of experience? Basically, it’s your current salary plus the market which is there in the market in the market is going very strong. If it expects strong outcomes in the market is weak. That’s how it is going to be all of us. 

GreyAtom believes that your knowledge of those concepts needs to be developed by application in the industry by actually doing things because when you actually do things, that’s when you really are able to appreciate why a particular data structure is better.


  1. Data Structure and algorithms are universally important, but at the same time, your appreciation, your knowledge, your understanding of them should be organic, and it should grow with time on you by the application
  2. You really need to have a deep rooted understanding to be able to cross a hurdle, crack, and interview basis of your skills in data structures and algorithms


You absolutely need to have some amount of foundation in data structures and algorithms. A lot of different schools, colleges, academies, tutions, are essentially peddling a lot of these data structures and algorithms, with the promise that this will help you crack the interviews in product companies and service companies.

GreyAtom has a slightly different take on all these things. If you open any textbook for data structures and algorithms, you’re essentially going to get a very pedantic treatment with respect to big O notation, with time space complexity, derivation of various topics, various sorting algorithms, their corresponding Big O notations complexity is the time required. All of those are conditional, all of those are absolutely necessary 11 never to belittle them. 

At the same time, what GreyAtom believes is that you need to have those concepts in place over a period of time. And your knowledge of those concepts needs to be developed by application in the industry by actually doing things because when you actually do things, that’s when you really are able to appreciate why a particular data structure is better or why a linked list is better or why it has some specific advantages in certain application domains, or why a certain sorting algorithm is good in a particular context, but not good in other contexts when the number of records is low or high. 

So what is absolutely critical necessity is that yes, these topics are relevant to this topics are universally important, but at the same time, your appreciation, your knowledge, your understanding of them should be organic, and it should grow with time on you by the application. Yes, need to have some foundational skills when you appear for the interview and all these things you cannot be absolutely blank. But at the same time, don’t cram. Don’t put things in organically in your mind with it. The open expectation that you want to omit something in the interview and it works for it doesn’t work that way.

You really need to have a deep rooted understanding to be able to cross a hurdle, crack, and interview basis of your skills in data structures and algorithms. I hope that helps. It’s important. It’s universally important, but make sure that you know it as a result of the application and not as a result of just cramming. 

We want to make sure that you are a little focused and motivated. This programme lasts for four months but even in this four months, we want your interest to stay persistent and we don’t want you to drop out.


Awesome, so a lot of you have this question, why do we take certain part of the fees upfront, and then the rest of it is later. So here’s a very simple thing and this is something that is possibly culture specific. But we want to make sure that you are a little focused and motivated. This programme lasts for four months but even in this four months, we want your interest to stay persistent and we don’t want you to drop out.

The most important thing is that we are making a significant investment, monetary and otherwise, including the time in you in shaping your career in connecting you with job opportunities. Hence, it is very, very imperative that you stay connected and you don’t drop out a small portion of the fees that we asked for offered essentially helps us ensure that a you are committed, you are a serious candidate who are looking to transition his or her career and you will stay focused and not drop out. So all of these things are typically ensured as a result of you paying 25% upfront fees.

Please note, these fees are not at all sufficient to cover for expenses that we have to run the programme and the cohort. So we are super focused, we are super interested in shipping you as a strong professional and connecting you with that opportunity and getting you placed. Hence, there is that 25% of countries it just ensures that the right intent people get into the batch.

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