Data Science Bootcamp #3: Installation setup and how to debug code in general

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Data Science Webinars

Data Science Bootcamp #3: Installation setup and how to debug code in general

April 1, 2020|Sourabh Nikwade

A perennial student, Sourabh has always held a keen interest in analyzing problems using the data available and coming up with effective solutions capable of creating an impact. This interest coupled with a never-ending thirst to learn the advancements in technology, led him to pursue a career as a Data Scientist. Analytics is more about having an interest in knowing anything in-depth and getting results from the same. While Data Science is about converting the business problem into analytics rather than just working on the algorithm. Specialities : Python, Machine Learning, NLP. Upskilling : Deep Learning.

Key takeaways for you

  • Learn to learn?
  • How to Jupyter?
  • How to use an IDE (PyCharm)?
  • How to StackoverFlow?

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