Decision Tree Models in Machine Learning and their use cases

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Data Science Webinars

Decision Tree Models in Machine Learning and their use cases

May 4, 2019| Prasad Seemakurthi

Prasad currently leads a Fraud Data Science team at South East Asia’s leading startup Grab, after being a corporate trainer with organisations like EXL consulting Services, Orange telecom etc.
He also previously worked as Manager CFR Decision Science at American Express, (Data Scientist) at EDF trading, ZS Associates and has more than 8 years of experience.
Prasad holds Master’s in Data Science from the University of Virginia and has been an industry mentor to many.

Key takeaways for you

  • Learn the intuition behind a decision tree
  • Learn how to build a decision tree and implement the same in Python
  • Understand the concept of overfitting
  • Understand the concept of Ensemble methods
  • Learn the intuition behind Random Forest
  • Learn how to build a Random Forest and implement the same in Python

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