WeWork | Data Scientist

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Interview Experiences

WeWork | Data Scientist

28 Aug 2020 | Bijit Deka

About WeWork : WeWork is an American commercial real estate company that provides flexible shared workspaces for technology startups and services for other enterprises. WeWork designs and builds physical and virtual shared spaces and office services for entrepreneurs and companies.


Interviewing for Role : Data Science Analyst


Key Skills Required : Python, Descriptive & inferential Stats, Linear Algebra, Supervised Learning, Regression algorithms, Classification algorithms, Unsupervised algorithms, OOPs, Statistical tests


Round 1 | Online Test via kaam.work

The test was an MCQ one with 70 questions on Python, Linear Algebra, Stats, commonly used regression and classification algorithms etc. A mediocre difficulty level test which covered almost all the foundational aspects of machine learning. No questions were asked on deep learning


Round 2 | Discussion with kaam.work Co-Founder – I

This round was a conversational one where I was asked about my ambitions and passion. Was briefed about what type of work it would be if I got through to the final round and was asked to record a two-minute clip covering my introduction and overall experience. 


Round 3 | Interview with kaam.work Co-Founder -II and an anonymous interviewer (WeWork manager)

Was asked three questions:

(1) Given four algorithms (cannot recollect names), which can be used for anomaly detection and why?

(2) Given that the variance of “N” numbers is “x”. If every number is now doubled, what is the new variance?

(3) What is the difference between PCA and TSNE? 

And then asked about my days of availability and location preference.


Final Outcome : SELECT


What I think worked for me :

Working knowledge of algorithms and good score in the MCQ test.

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